Monday, June 20, 2011

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

this actually folds out into a hat you can wear... it's pretty sweet.whereas this is just...
(click on the image below to enlarge text) 'Ethel and Mike' had some badass taste back in the day...
this has a real little gold swan! so cute.
does this one make sense to anyone?
this is another card for someone's 'sister'... hence, the last page is just plain weird and inappropriate.
awwh, little 'danny' is cute...umm.... this one's just strange... the pun: 'Keep this under you hat - I love you!'
I think this card was possibly a little age inappropriate for an 18th birthday... this is another comedic gem:
click on the image to read the 'hilarious' jokes included.
how awkward:

this is cute...
(the thing on the right is a little mirror in case you can't tell. awwh)
more classic humour... ('ritchie' always seemed to know how to pick the comedic winners). I wonder if 'John' really wanted to be in on this card... this one is super old... like, I don't think shirley temple was even born yet. and she's way too young to be dating that kid in the yellow jumper. cute socks though.